A ligament is the fibrous, connective tissue that attaches to bones and joints. It allows for a healthy range of motion and also keeps joints from being too lax.
A torn ligament in foot areas or other parts of the body means that one of these ligaments has been damaged and sustained a tear, often during a foot sprain.
You may wonder, what exactly does a torn ligament feel like? Well, the bad news is that it’s different depending on the person and the extent of the tear. While one person with a large tear may experience significant symptoms, may with a mild tear may have little or less pain.
Here are five signs you may have a torn ligament to help you diagnose the problem:
1. Increased Pain with Physical Activity
A torn ligament typically comes from activity. Dancing, skiing, running, and all sorts of other activities could cause a ligament to tear. If you’re overworking your feet or you happen to do something that’s not part of your typical routine, that could cause a tear.
Accidents may also result in these kinds of problems, as falling and twisting wrong could have the potential to create damage. Most ligament tears come from things like playing sports or otherwise engaging in significant activity, but that’s not always the case.
If you’ve torn ligaments in your foot, walking will be uncomfortable for a small tear and extremely painful for a larger tear.
You may not want to walk around too much on that foot, and it’s possible that staying off of it for a period of time will be required. A small tear may not stop you from walking, but it could make it more difficult to engage in more physical activities, like running or dancing. Avoiding those things until the tear heals may be necessary.

2. Pain & Tenderness Near Arch
Experiencing pain and tenderness near the arch of your foot is another indication that you may have a torn ligament. The arch is a delicate area, and if a ligament is torn that’s usually the place where you’ll feel it most.
Keep in mind that the pain could also wrap up and around the rest of the foot, and the arch isn’t the only place that might hurt. There are also other foot problems that can result in pain and tenderness in the arch, so it’s important to know what’s causing the issue in your particular case.
3. Arch of Foot Bruised
A bruise on the arch of the foot, with or without a lot of pain and tenderness, is one way to know whether you probably have a torn ligament. It’s a common sign of ligament tears in the foot, and something you’ll want to look for.
There are other reasons you could have a bruise on the bottom of your foot, but since the arch sits higher than the rest of the foot it’s not as commonly bruised by stepping on something. A ligament tear in the foot, though, will often cause a bruise on the arch.
4. Swelling and Bruising at Injury Site
Wherever the torn ligament is located, you’ll probably have swelling and bruising there. When you tear a ligament in your foot, your body tries to protect that area and repair the damage. That leads to bruising and swelling, as the inflammation response takes over and begins working toward healing the injury.
5. Inability to Bear Weight on the Injured Foot
If you can’t put any weight on your foot, or can’t do so without pain, you could have a torn ligament. It’s important to figure out the cause of your foot pain, so you can get the treatment you need to be healthy again. If your foot won’t let you put your full weight on it, a ligament injury could be the cause.

Is it Really a Torn Ligament? Get the True Diagnosis
Having a torn ligament can be painful, but there are other conditions and problems that can feel similar. That’s why it’s so important to know what a torn ligament may look and feel like.
To boot, ligament tear symptoms shouldn’t be ignored if you want your foot to properly heal. If you’re experiencing any of these warning signs, it’s time to be seen by a podiatrist.
We’ve got the information and treatment you’re looking for. Give us a call at 239.936.5400 today to schedule your appointment.
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